SAT Preparation Course For The Christian Student – 7

These 150 lessons include:

–A COMPREHENSIVE READING PROGRAM. As you prepare for the SAT you will read about seventy-five college bound books. These books will prepare you for the SAT. Again, you do not have to read my books. But whatever reading program you implement should be enhanced by an ambitious vocabulary building program I mention in the first lesson. Reading good books remains the single best preparation for SAT verbal preparation.

–INTENTIONAL VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT. The Verbal portion of the SAT I is essentially a vocabulary and critical reading exam. Period. There is a vigorous vocabulary development program that should increase your vocabulary by about 1500 words. But, that of course, is up to you: how hard are you willing to work?

–TEST TAKING STRATEGIES. The SAT is not an objective exam. And, therefore, you will intentionally develop subjective test-taking skills. At the same time, you will need to memorize the instructions for each type of test question. But you will learn this material a little bit at a time so it won’t seem so hard!

–INTENTIONAL FAITH BUILDING. I encourage you to build a very serious devotional life. This devotional life, admittedly, will require some effort. You will implement the spiritual disciplines of study, meditation, Bible memorization, praying Scripture, and biblical exegesis. These spiritual formation exercises will be a great resevoir of strength from which you can draw not only on the day of the SAT exam, but throughout your life.

–FAMILY AFFAIR. Your family is urged to join you in this memorable time of preparation. For instance, the whole family could join in learning new vocabulary words. Everyone can compete to solve the Mindtrap Game, Inc., dilemmas. And, every Friday evening your parents are asked to spend some time with you in prayer and to go over your 3 by 5 vocabulary cards.

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