Discovered Treasures

Today I found my 29 year old son Timothy’s unopened Deluxe Wood Burning Kit hidden in my workshop.  It was given to my oldest son for his 9th birthday by my deceased mother.  I hid it from my son until he was older—and forgot about it. Until today.  Hiding behind the old bow and arrow set, it had been hibernating for two decades.
My wife, homeschool mother extraordinaire, an inveterate, dedicated educator made sure all her toy gifts had pedagogical double duty—“learning while having fun” mom was fond of saying.
Likewise, my mother, a natural born teacher, if not a particularly able child psychologist, nonetheless taught me most everything.  She taught me how to read.  To write. Dad taught me how to observe my world; mom taught me to grab that world and to make it my own.
I so enjoyed finding the Deluxe Wood Burning Kit. Still don’t think I will show it to my 30 year old son. . .

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